Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese-

It has taken one week to fully recover from our trip to Chuck E. Cheeses and finally blog it. Yes, we actually went on Valentine's Day, both a weekend and a holiday. It was packed from wall to wall, and as evidenced by Mason's cheeks below, hotter than 'H', 'E' double hockey sticks. Next time, if there ever is one during this life time, we will pick a weekday morning:)


Kristi said...

I can barely comment...can not believe you went on Valentine's Day. Poor Mason....he looks like he is in hell---those cheeks. Was this the reward for the chart. Nice that their reward is utter hell for you and Paul. Now you know why Jill and I can't stand that place :-)

Jill said...

the first thing i thought when i saw the photo is, poor mason, he's got a fever! :) glad chuckie cheese could live up to its hype. let us know next time you are going and we'll meet you there. ;)

Anne said...

looks like fun?? we only have a few stickers to earn before we are all up in that joint.

Julie said...

I'm telling you, like it or not you are taking me & the boys there next summer ! (or I might be willing to negotiate in exchange for The Jungle..)