Sunday, September 26, 2010

Exciting Weekend-

Mason started swimming on his own on Friday- see the video below for the exact moment that it happened :)
Paris and Alex gave Mason a lot of props, which was very thrilling for Mason.

Alex's game face.

Passing the time during Alex's game.

Paul's company picnic was Saturday afternoon. Here is Paris on the far right competing in the sack races.

Here she is winning the race. It was 98 degrees and they still did best 2 out of 3, up and back, to determine the winnner.

So as not to be outdone, Paul competed in the adult version- he wasn't quite as successful as his daughter :) ... although Paul and I did win the water balloon toss!

Moving on to the egg races, Paris won by a hair.

Mason was first up on the pinata, after him they ditched the blindfold.

If you look closely you'll see that Paris ripped it in half with this swing... luckily everyone had gone through several times.

Here's the main attraction- Mason's first ever swim w/0 floaties.


Anne said...

the swimming is amazing! way to go mason...we are proud of you. and paris was queen bee at the picnic. i love paul's face in the pinata picture.

Julie said...

Omigosh, Mason rocks!! And nice job on the pinata too, Paris :)
Susan, happy belated b-day - I am a shameful, worthless friend for not sending you a message last week, and I have not excuse for it. :( I plan to send you an update via email this week, and am hoping it will go through this time!

Kristi said...

The swimming is perfect that you got it on camera. The company picnic looks fun and sounds like the Lisi family was winning left and right.