Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alex and Paris enjoying an after school snack in their backyard "club" today- it is almost 80 degrees.

Our sweet little Gladys-

We are all appreciating every moment with Gladys while we can!

Here is Mason cheering on his brother at basketball yesterday-
Mason sings this preschool prayer 500 times per day so i decided to document it for the records. Alex (he also knows the song from preschool) is very perturbed about the use of "breath" instead of "bread"... but I explained that both work well :)


Kristi said...

that video is too darn cute...he sounds so grown up compared to a year ago.
Gladys, Gladys....she looks so sweet.
Can't believe it was 80 degrees out there today.

Julie said...

That prayer is adorable, and I love his pronunciation - so clear & crisp (and convincing!). Is something wrong with Gladys? (enjoying her "while we can"..?) I'm so jealous of your summer weather !

Jill said...

oh that prayer is so darn cute, he's so serious. and gladys. she looks great. how did the kids take the news or did you tell?

thelisifamily said...

Julie- We just found out that Gladys has advanced cancer and a very short time to live-
Jill- we have told them but I don't know how much they understand about the finality of it when it happens.

Anne said...

that video is awesome...and i am so sorry about gladys.

Julie said...

Gosh, that is least Gladys is fortunate to have found such a loving home for her last days, but I can imagine it will be hard putting a positive spin on losing her so soon..