Last night we had a dinner bbq at our friend's neighborhood pool. Here they are making smores for dessert with their friends, Megan and Connor's Dad. We were there until almost 10:00 they loved swimming in the dark.
Alex recently called me up to his room to show me how he displayed his scary scooby- doo figures.
Another check off our bucket list... Fairyland in Oakland.
Mason is a very accomplished artist- he especially loves glue sticks, elmers glue, tape and paint. Every day this summer he has created something out of paper, rocks, glue, sand, glitter, markers etc...He is very proud of this guy that he cut out and decorated.
These were items that he collected from a park (the tooth picks were ours) and brought home and glued, using an entire bottle of elmers. It took days for it to dry out in the hot sun:)
Another painting.
This amazing tree blooms in the summer a few blocks from our house. I always pull over and take pics because I think it is amazing!! Looks like a cotton candy tree.
Paris swimming at her friend Madi's house. When I picked her up they had an elaborate and long performance to show me. The girls, along with Madi's sister did a dolphin training exhibition... Madi and Paris were the dolphins:)