Sunday, September 26, 2010

Exciting Weekend-

Mason started swimming on his own on Friday- see the video below for the exact moment that it happened :)
Paris and Alex gave Mason a lot of props, which was very thrilling for Mason.

Alex's game face.

Passing the time during Alex's game.

Paul's company picnic was Saturday afternoon. Here is Paris on the far right competing in the sack races.

Here she is winning the race. It was 98 degrees and they still did best 2 out of 3, up and back, to determine the winnner.

So as not to be outdone, Paul competed in the adult version- he wasn't quite as successful as his daughter :) ... although Paul and I did win the water balloon toss!

Moving on to the egg races, Paris won by a hair.

Mason was first up on the pinata, after him they ditched the blindfold.

If you look closely you'll see that Paris ripped it in half with this swing... luckily everyone had gone through several times.

Here's the main attraction- Mason's first ever swim w/0 floaties.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Birthday Bash-

Last night we had a fun dinner at Benihana's to celebrate my birthday.

Onion volcano!

I got some very fun presents, do you notice a theme at all?

Annie made these beautiful hand towels!

So as to keep up with the Joneses (Kristi) I put up my Halloween village a little early this year.
Paris and her friend, Maddie, doing their homework.
Mason, Jennifer and Alex passing the time during Paris' soccer game.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mason's first ever playdate!

Mason's friend, Collin came over yesterday after preschool.

Mason, Collin and a skeleton zombie that stopped by to play.

Halloween sneak preview- Alex, the zombie and Mason the ghost!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mason had his first day of MWF preschool today- it went very well, no tears at all and he was happy when I picked him up!! I was a little nervous b/c he cried through the visit day on Friday even though I was with him the whole time.

Paris and her friend, Portia, enjoying an after school popsicle, sold by the 5th graders.
Reverse to Saturday- opening day of soccer. Paul's debut as coach and Alex's debut as player :)

Alex loved the game and even scored his first goal.

Paris was up next.

BIG excitement during Paris' game... while eating an orange, Alex front tooth fell out!
Mason and his friend for life, Johnny. He is the older brother of a boy on Alex's team. He and Mason play during all of Alex's practices and now, games. Mason talks about him nonstop.
Reverse further back to Labor Day. We visited Pixieland in Concord.

This frog ride was the major highlight of the day. The kids went on it almost nonstop, at least 25 times.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Some going-ons over the week.

Paris recently got her first short hair cut. Here's the before picture.

And... After!

Cooling off at the park yesterday.

Paris loved this enormous chair at Sam's Club.

We spent an hour watching this dragonfly in our backyard.

and then found this butterfly!

And for a little more randomness... Paris recently redecorated her American Girl room... it has three working lamps- pretty cool.

This picture magically showed up when i loaded my pictures- I guess Paris was doing a private photo shoot in her room.