Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alex's most recent dream came true last night when he got to be the catcher at his game.

That's him behind the plate-
Here's coach Paul getting him set-up to catch.
This was Mason's first attempt at riding without training wheels. It went mediocre :) Needless to say we will be working on this for a little while.

Practicing pop-flies in the backyard and a ride around the skatepark.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tug of War-

Two wild girls in action-

First tennis lesson-

Paris and Jennifer are taking lessons together. Yesterday was the first lesson and they both loved it.

Afterward, Alex put on a skateboarding/scooter
exhibition for Patrick, Mason, Paris and Jennifer.

Skating in the bowl-

Major bonding moment with Paul and Moca. Moca has some issues with men, but she's making some progress as noted here :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Peaceful weekend in Palm Springs!

Every view in Palm Springs is beautiful- full of mountains, palm trees and flowers galore!!
This baby hummingbird greeted us as soon as we arrived at the condo.
A duck couple meandering through some beautiful snapdragons.
My mom and I out on a walk.

The view from the spa after being thoroughly spoiled.

We couldn't resist sipping some chardonnay as we pretended to be shopping at Saks:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break Activities-

We spent one day (it felt like 5 ) at The Jungle.

Movie night complete with Pirate Booty.

We went into San Francisco today to Pier 39... on the way across the Bay Bridge Alex spotted this "weinermobile"- it was truly a sight to see.
We all went on a turbo Sponge Bob simulated ride- I was the most afraid of everyone.
Here are the kids on a one hour bay cruise we took around the bay.
Watching (and participating with) a magician at Pier 39. I sort of volunteered Paul (that's him on the stage) to help out, which backfired, because then I was asked to time the trick. I had to yell out every 15 seconds for 5 minutes while Paul and this other man tied up this magician. Then I had to yell out again for 5 minutes while he got out of the ropes.
Here's a short clip of the magician's show- that's my voice yelling in the background-

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Morning 2010

Lined up and ready to search outside for eggs-

Moca's first Easter with us-
Paul, Alex and Paris went to Nonna's for Easter brunch... Mason was still under the weather so he and I stayed home.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Activities-

Paris posing in front of our Easter decorations.
Dyeing Eggs
Alex proudly displaying the finished products-
This morning was the traditional Larkey Park egg hunt right near our house. Each year we meet Jennifer and Patrick there among about one hundred other kids. However, this year there were a few glitches.

Number 1:
Mason was up all night with the flu so he and I stayed home...
...and Number 2: Due to city budget cuts there was NO Easter egg hunt. So, my friend, Gill and Paul collected $ from all the other families who showed up, and Gill went out and bought some candy ...then they staged their own hunt. Here's Alex, Patrick, Jennifer and Paris afterward.