Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Anderson/Lisi Summer Fun!

Lucky for us the Anderson Family is in town for most of the summer. Here is a car full of cousins on the way to see a movie.
(Paris, Sy & Alex, Mason and Soren)
Having fun at the pool-

Alex, Sy and Paris taking turns on the ATV.

Playing Candyland with Uncle Craig.

Mason tried out some water wings for the first time and had a blast!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last week of school festivities-

Mason's last day - posing with their favorite teacher, Miss Casey.
End of the year field day- water balloon toss.Paris' last day of kindergarten - she and Nova were sneaking on some lip gloss in the closet before school :)

Omi was here for a fun visit - we took Paris and Alex to lunch and the movie 'Up' to celebrate the end of the school year.

Larkey Park for Paris' school picnic.

One day away from being First Graders!

Making their own pizzas on the last day of school...

Lunching at our favorite spot - Boudin Bakery!

Showing Omi our garden!
The kids even got a special visit from their cousins, Caitlin and Bo (and girlfriend, Kiera).

And... finally, this is how Mason ended one of these fun packed days... he fell asleep leaning up against the chair.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Alex had his first official skateboarding lesson today from his preschool teacher's boyfriend, Will. It was amazing to watch... Alex loved Will and therefore started skateboarding like he has never done before.