Mason picked out this "transformers" backpack himself- it's almost bigger than he is :). The flipflops (which are Alex's) are worn morning, noon and night (he insists on wearing them in his crib and still had one on last night at midnight when I checked)
Today was "red" day at kindergarten-
Filing into class this morning.
Paris and her first friend, Isabella, who is sitting in front of her.
First day of Kindergarten ( unfortunately eyes were closed in all pics due to the sun:) )
Paris loved her teacher and made some new friends today! phew!! Mason felt like quite the big boy with Alex- he was enthralled with the marker and scissors- both are off limits at home. Miss Leona gave Mason his first lesson with the scissors- he has found his calling-
Alex and his friend, Elena in the teepee.
Alex was so excited to see his best friend, Andrew... Mason was just so excited period :)
Alex and Paris put on this show last night- Paris was belting out this made-up song while Alex was experiencing some difficulty on the ukelele- the result was quite hilarious - I was crying I was laughing so hard (as you will notice Paris' reaction to my laughing)
Nico, Micky, Paris and Alex making a pre-dinner toast- the kids all had a blast together. A lot of chasing and hide and go seek :), not to mention the gazillion otter pops and dip and dots :)The adult table well as the intense stress and exhaustion that comes with traveling with three young ones :)
Oakland Airport security check line
The kids had a blast at the Yellowstone Country Club (not to be mistaken for the Acoba Country Club :) ). This was Paris' first jump off of a real diving board- by the end of the trip she graduated to running and jumping off with no noodles. Alex (in the background) did not muster up the nerve to conquer the board on this trip.